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Success in Life


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Personal Growth Success in Business Success in Life

10 Ways to Identify Your Passions

By on January 11, 2012


Have you ever been asked what you’re most passionate about and found yourself stumped?

Do you find yourself unhappy and hoping there is more in life, but unable to figure out what?

The last few posts I’ve written have been heavily centered on the mental side of turning your passion into…


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Personal Growth Success in Business Success in Life Uncategorized

People Just Don’t Care! If They Did … It Still Wouldn’t Matter!

By on January 9, 2012

Have you ever found yourself hesitating to share your point of view during a meeting because you were concerned with what people would think about you for sharing it?

When you walk into a room full of people you don’t know, do you feel uncomfortable and as if people are…


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Personal Growth Success in Business Success in Life Uncategorized

Don’t Listen To The Voices In Your Head! Six Things To Do To Accomplish More In Life

By on January 8, 2012

How many times have you been ready to “Go for it,” but stopped because you heard a voice at the last second saying something like, “Don’t be ridiculous, you can’t do that!”

Wasn’t it strange how the voice was so loud and unmistakably clear, but when you looked around you couldn’t…

Pete Brand
Grand Rapids, MI

I am married to an incredible woman named Amanda and have five amazing children. I would consider myself an entrepreneur and absolutely love the challenge of building businesses. I also love the journey of personal development. I don't believe in drifting through life on auto-pilot. I believe we are presented each day with opportunities to improve and become better. I choose to embrace these opportunities and use the lessons I learn to become a better "me" and continuously strive to embrace each moment!

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